Curse my sheep mentality! But moreover, curse The Backloggery! All those blogs made me rethink my stance on whether or not to get one. Silly me, of course they don't need to be used for whining and droning about just life. I can just throw shit out about games or what have you. The actual content of this isn't very clear, but posts will probably be either about a games or games, an episode or series of anime, a movie, or random shit. If I feel like it, I'll do a Top 5 Whatever type of thing, too. Isn't that original!
To fill space, a little about how life is-a going (keepin' it short). Okay. Always okay. It's cold as shit here, and I have a weird sore in my ear due to it. School is silly, I'm doing super awesome in History, but lame at best in Math (and Math is one of my better subjects). I cannot fail one course, or else I won't muthafuckin' graduate! What a raw deal, getting only 2 classes this term. At first I was pumped about it, but it's going to make me paranoid.
Gamewise, you can check out my Backloggery for the gist of what I am playing. Mayhap I will go into more detail about those later, when I feel less like crap, perchance.
Hmm, I think I already got a Top 5 in mind to start. Short and easy, and about my favorite game series. Expect it next time, folks!
This post was brought to by...Square Enix.
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